lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Don Juan the Trickster

High School Play: Don Juan 

Since October, Eugenia has been talking about the play non-stop. I went very eager to the play Don Juan because I really wanted to know what it was going to be about. I thought it was going to be some boring High School play, just like the ones I went to when I was in Paris. All serious. No laughing etc. This was nothing like it.
I went with my close friend Andressa, and we didn’t stop laughing, I don’t know if it was that we knew all the actors or just a mix of the situation.

Don Juan was full of rhetoric, the main character himself, was a genius with the ladies!
He definitely mastered the art of the greatest player! He made all of them fall in love with his charm. He was able to charm the ladies, and the audience.

I laughed hysterically in two parts of the play:

One, when the woman in the beach with the baby started shouting at Don Juan’s servant. And then, the baby was placed in a bucket and she was even more furious. She was able to show the audience he frustration and my reaction was to laugh.

The second time, of course, Eugenia. Don Juan’s mother, which clearly had a very strong character (Ethos) she was very religious. When she found out about everything that her son was doing she just flipped. She started shouting and there was nothing that could stop her. There we could see how her character reflected on the actions of his son, and how she was able to transmit that energy of anger/frustration to us.

Side note to self:
I attended the same performance as many of the teachers, including Mr. Viscardi who took pictures during the whole play and he was also laughing constantly. He worked in Mexico before, so to him it was also very familiar as it was to us, since we share a lot of different aspects from culture. Maybe not the accent, but the way of speaking and expressing ourselves. 

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