domingo, 13 de enero de 2013

Fresh From The Air

You never really wonder where language came from. You know that it has evolved and that there is slang, because you parents of course didn’t speak the same way that you do now a day.
There is a history to everything. That is why I love history so much. We can learn about things that happened a very long time ago.
In this case, we are talking about the history of language.
It was interesting to see how it starts from how language is today, the video explains how language is today and then continues with the origins of the language. It explains how language is interpreted and how people use language with their surroundings.
“English is the universal language for traffic control” (The Story of English). Not any other language, in over 150 countries English is used in the air.

English is a must. traveling to any continent even every contingent the language that is most useful for you to know is English, most of the sighs for everyday life in every country are written in its official language and in English. Most of the literature, books, newspapers, and magazines, are at least translated into English. Most of the international organizations and multinational companies use English as a way of communication. "The language of Business." Most of the people who are bilingual choose English as their second language, because it is essential for communication. Everyday people learn more and are more pressured to learn English in order to be understood and to make a part in society.

People look at you different if you speak proper or improper. If you are not correct in the way you speak or vulgar, people won’t respect you.

Language even works for movements it is used also for “chopping sexism out of language”(The Story of English). It could even turn words like “history into herstery”(The Story of English). 

Source: MLA 
The Story of English. Dir. Edward Armstrong. YouTube. YouTube, 27 Aug. 2009. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. <>.

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