domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Truman and Clutter

First of all, before I start writing about what I read, I want a point out a few things. The first thing I do when I get a book is look at the back part of it. I did. At first it looked like some boring old book, but then as I continued reading it got interesting by the second. It was only a matter of time I started flipping the pages to get to the “good stuff”.
Okay, so first book we read in class: a boy attempts to murder himself, second book I read: young girl tries to kill herself, third book: five people actually get murdered.
It starts off so well.
I was eager to read.
Second, I’d like to point out how Truman Capote dedicates his book to Harper Lee, she wrote one of the classics of all times, and one of my all time favorite books to read. To Kill a Mockingbird.

Now, let’s go to the book. Of course, the author starts describing Kansas like a place we should never go to.
It is just “out there”(3).
A building with the sign DANCE on it, “but the dancing has ceased”(4).
It makes us wonder what happened in this town to make it the way it is. No American could tell you where Holcomb is, until “one morning in 1959, had ever heard of Holcomb”(5).

“But”(5). Something disturbed that nights peacefulness. It was the sound of “four shotgun blasts that, all told, ended six human lives”(5).

It was the Clutter family. The head of the family, was the “most widley known citizen”(6).

In class we had already analyzed in a timed writing the first few pages of the book, and we were left in suspense, not knowing what in fact had happened in the book. We find out shortly after. But even if we know what it is that happened we have no apparent details of the situation.  We know something but in reality we know nothing.

Got until page 10 of the book. I can’t wait to continue reading. I like these types of books. I shall continue reading.

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