domingo, 13 de enero de 2013

The Mother of All Infiltrations

“It’s hard to imagine that the language of this savage people would one day become the most widely spoken of the world” (The Story of English).

English language was greatly influenced by all the invasions that occurred. One of the most important the Anglo-Saxon and how that impacted Norman language.

Its hard to imagine that almost everything of the English language came from the outside, let’s take Sanskrit for example, in India. Their word “devene” is just like our “divine”(The Story of English). Sanskrit, which was also another great contributor for English. Parts of the world which you would never imagine have helped the spread of English. 

It is strange to learn that our language came from the Anglo-Saxon, which were very “agriculture people and mostly illiterate”(The Story of English). But they did have one thing, and that was “ear of music of the spoken word, and loved to recite poetry” (The Story of English).

The language has “incredible richness and power” (The Story of English). There was a lot of diversity in the language and this was what triggered the spread. People were more interested. Language comes from a lot of different cultures and it became one. 

Coming from a country who was greatly invaded and indians were destroyed and stolen from it's hard to see that something good would come out of those situations. But I have realized that it's those types of historical situations that help cultures grow. The anglo-saxon invasion brought if not the best of all resources: English language. Now that is something to be thankful for. 

Only in the second episode and already heard of so many cultures that have connections to 
English, can't wait to continue hearing about all the great contributions that cultures from the outside gave to English. 

Source MLA: 
The Story of English. Dir. Edward Armstrong. YouTube. YouTube, 27 Aug. 2009. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. <>.

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