lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012


Le Punctuation. 

Every powerful piece of writing must use as reference ideas from other people, even though we write what comes to our mind and in our own words, most of the times the topic we are writing about has been already expressed by somebody else. For a paper to be notable it has to use reputable sources to make the argument more powerful. “It serves as an argument in one’s own defense.[1] In order to give credit to that “borrowed authority.”[2] Look, im blogging about quotations and I’m quoting to back up what I’m saying at the same time!!! Cool… Anyways, lets continue…

Quotations have had lots of interpretations; one, as I’ve said before is when we are citing something that is not ours, to let the reader know it’s someone else’s in order to respect the other person. Another comical use is when we use them in a sarcastic form imitating or mocking someone else.

Even though we are expected to learn how to correctly use punctuation and capitalization in sentences since first grade, and we continue to practice these skills in second grade and throughout our whole school life, in eleventh grade we haven’t yet mastered this skill. We continue to misuse the different punctuation marks. I’m not sure if its because we lack to study each punctuation mark as much as we study the composition of a right triangle in math or if we just haven’t had enough practice with each punctuation mark and we just want to stay in the comfort zone of the period and comma. Each punctuation mark has more than just one usage yet we tend to overuse ones like comas and semicolons when actually we are just misusing them without knowing.

Each time of punctuation has its history and its evolution, it’s when we understand its use and history that we can master this skill. “Even the good old comma has continued to evolve…”[3] just a simple (,) has had so many places in our history and has helped us frequently. By using punctuation it is a way to “return something to the text” and it is also a “ritual of reciprocation.”
Important people in our societies have used these types of punctuation like Montesquieu, Burke, and Parkes.

What we learn today in class is not just about punctuation it is much more because in order to further improve our writing skills we should pay more attention to punctuation because a better use of punctuation can be the difference between a great piece of writing to a first draft.

[1]  The Bars Of Atlantis, Page 76.

[2]  The Bars Of Atlantis, Page 76.
[3] Survival of the Fittest, Nicholson Baker, page 3. 

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